The FOSS implementation of the OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance specification, eKYC Hub, is now planned to take part in the eKYC Interop Testing. The aim of the eKYC Interop Testing Event is to bring implementers of OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance - relying parties and identity providers - together to gather experience regarding real-world interoperability of their implementations. One cornerstone of the testing will be the official eKYC test suite provided by the OpenID Foundation.
For Identity First, this will be a fantastic opportunity to check compliance of our framework with the specification and integrate with other relying parties. We will use the results of the testing to improve our specification and collect feedback from the identity community.
The eKYC Hub framework will tested when integrated with another FOSS IDP - KeyCloak and will take part in the interop as the Identity Provider. More details around our participation in the interop testing as well as demo accounts that can be used to access eKYC Hub-based IDP will be published after 22 Nov 2021. Details about the interop testing itself can be found on the OpenID website at The results of the testing are planned to be published and discussed during this year’s OAuth Security Workshop.
We encourage other identity enthusiasts to test the framework using other IDP implementations. You can download the source code for the framework at